invocation in arabic. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website.
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Muslim Citadel Protection Evocations and Invocations
Invocations and Evocations (‘ADHKAR) Reported from the Messenger of Allâh to Recite Morning and Evening: the one who says them is protected and nothing harms him, by the will of Allâh. To be protected against sorcery, the evil eye, the nuisance of jinns ...
Tawassoul: Invocation of God by the Degree of the Prophets and the Virtuous
Tawassoul: Invocation of Allah by the degree of Prophets and the Virtuous is permitted in Islam believing that God is the Only One who creates benefit and harm.
The Pillars of Prayer and its conditions of validity
There are five prayers which must be performed by the Muslims and are called obligatory prayers. It is a great sin to neglect performing any of these obligatory prayers.
Middle of Month of Sha`bân. Night of 15 Shaaban
The Prophet said: « إذا كانت ليلةُ النصفِ من شعبانَ فقوموا ليلَها وصُوموا نهارها » which means: « Spend the night preceding the 15th day of Sha`bân in acts of obedience, and fast the next day. » The night of the middle-Shaban is a blessed night. Application : Prayer Times Qibla finder Compass Free & no Ads
Download Free Application Islamic Prayer Times cities worldwide & Qibla finder Compass Locator. Salat Times