God. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website. Islam.ms.

Allah Exists Without a Place. God does not resemble His Creation

Allâh created the universe, He exists before the space and the time. God exists without place and does not depend on time. We do not say "where" or "when" or "how" about Allâh.

The Attributes Of Allâh God

It is a duty to know the thirteen attributes of Allah God which are: Existence (al-Wujud), Oneness (al-Wahdaniyyah), Eternity (al-Qidam), Everlastingness (al-Baqâ’), Non-neediness of others (al-Qiyamu bin-Nafs), Non-resemblance to the creatures (al-mukhâlafatu lil-Hawâdith), Power (al-Qudrah), Will (al-Iradah), Knowledge (al-`Ilm), Life (al-Hayah), Hearing (as-sam`), Sight (al-BaSar), and Speech (al-Kalam).

Explanation of the 99 Perfect Names Of ALLAH GOD

Allâh has the perfect names which are 99 in number. The Names of God are also called Attributes of God except the name Allâh we do not say attribute, we say Name. Allah is free from the attributes of creatures.

Be Convinced Islam is the True Religion of God to Humanity

It’s important to know that Islam, the submission to one Creator, the belief that there’s only ONE God that deserves to be worshiped, is the Religion of all the prophets.

The Mental Proof that Allah (God) Exists

This universe is created, it is born, it needs who created it and who makes it change. This world with all the creations it contains must have a creator who is alive, attributed to the will, knowledge and power ; and it is Allah ta`ālâ. Allah is the creator of all things existing. The healthy mind does not accept the existence of an action without someone executing it.

Allah God has no Beginning

Allah existed without beginning, that is, before creating creation. There was nothing with Allah: no place, no space, no sky, no Earth, no light and no darkness. According to the rules of religion and the judgments of the sound mind, Allah, the Exalted, does not change. Development is a sign of need for others, and whoever needs it is not God.

God does not resemble the Creation

Allâh exists without a place. He created the universe and willed for the existence of time. He is not bound by time or designated with place. The development is a sign of needing others, and the one who needs others is not God. There is absolutely nothing like Allâh whatsoever, and He has the attributes of Hearing and Seeing.

Nothing is obligatory on Allah God

Supporting the believers is a mercy and an endowment from Allah to these believers, it is not an obligation on Allah to support them because Allah is not obligated to do anything.

Allah God doesn’t Change

Allah existed before creating creation. There was and there was no place, creation or thing. He is the creator of everything. Development is a sign of need for others, and whoever needs it is not God. Allah, the Exalted, does not change.

Intellectual Proofs that the Quran is the revelation from God

The Qur’ân is not man-made. It pertains the orders of Allâh. The Qur’ân we read now, is in a language that we understand. But the speech of Allâh is neither a letter, language, or sound. But what we read in the holy books, are expressions of the eternal speech of Allâh. Because Allâh does not resemble the creations in any way.

Prophets and Messengers of God

It’s not right that God would reveal on his Messengers or Prophets different Religions that contradict each other in essentials. A messenger is a prophet who comes with abrogating some of the laws brought by the previous messenger or receives a new set of laws. But the religion is one, believing in the oneness of Allâh.