Islam True Religion. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website.

Islam is the religion of all the Prophets. Unique True Religion

Islam is the first religion and the only religion that God has revealed to all the prophets and the only valid religion according to the sound mind. The Prophets are like brothers of the same father but different mothers, their religion is the same and their laws may differ.

Be Convinced Islam is the True Religion of God to Humanity

It's important to know that Islam, the submission to one Creator, the belief that there's only ONE God that deserves to be worshiped, is the Religion of all the prophets.

Preservation, Attributes and Characteristics of Prophets and Messengers

All the prophets are Muslims and have called people to Islam. They are truthful, honest and extremely intelligent. It is impossible for the prophets to lie, betray, and be stupid. They are protected from blasphemy, major sins and degrading minor sins. They all have a beautiful face and a beautiful voice. They are protected from repulsive diseases that would drive people away from them.

Protect his Faith: Avoid Apostasy, Blasphemy, Disbelief

Becomes a blasphemer who attributes to God the son, and even the one who attributes to God the space or time or change or organs or mood or direction or whatever is attributes of creatures. Becomes a disbeliever whoever claims to be a non-Muslim or support the disbelief or approves the disbelief or denies the law of God or belittles it or one of the prophets or angels, or attributes to him disbelief.

The Types of Blasphemy and Blasphemers (Kufr)

Blasphemy is the opposite of belief, just as darkness is the opposite of light. It is of three types: likening God to the creation (tashbih), contradicting (takdhib), and denying (ta^til). Blasphemers are of two types: one is the original blasphemer, the other one is the apostate (murtadd).

The Holy Books. Revealed Books Celestial

It is obligatory to believe in all the Celestial Books (revealed books) that God revealed to some Prophets ; all the revealed books call to follow the religion of Islam which is the only true religion. The only book that was not falsified is the Qur'ân which is in the Arabic language. It is not permissible to translate the Qur’ân literally, word by word. However, we translate the meaning of the verses according to the interpretations of true Islamic scholars.

The Story of Prophet Ibrahim Abraham in Islam

Prophet Ibrahim called his people to worship Allah alone and ordered him to stop worshiping idols. They rejected the call of the prophet Ibrahim and the clear signs with which he came. Allâh gave prophet Ibrahim a great miracle.

All Prophets are Muslims

It is obligatory to believe in all the Prophets of God from Adam, the first, to Muhammad, the last. The religion of all the Prophets is Islam, the only religion revealed and approved by God. There was a large number of Prophets. They were all Muslims. They all called people to follow the religion of Islam by saying to them: "Love only Allah the One and associate him nothing."

There is no Faith without Islam nor Islam without Faith

There is no faith without Islam or Islam without faith they are like the flat and the reverse of the same thing. The Muslim is the believer and the believer is the Muslim.

Preservation and Characteristics of Prophets and Messengers

God created the Prophets and made them the best created beings. He sent them to teach people what was useful to them in this life and the afterlife. Thus, Allah has endowed them with laudable characteristics and good behavior. All that is not worthy of the rank of prophecy is impossible about them.

Protect his Islam: Avoid Apostasy and Blasphemy

Thus becomes a blasphemer who attributes to God the son, even if he said it by joking or under the effect of anger or by not aiming at the true meaning of the word son and even the one who attributes to God the space or time or change or organs or mood or direction or whatever is attributes of creatures. In the same way, becomes a disbeliever whoever claims to be a non-Muslim or support the disbelief or approves the disbelief or denies the law of God or belittles it or one of the prophets or angels, or attributes to him disbelief. To return to Islam the person must abandon the disbelief and pronounce the two testimonies: there is no god except God and Muḥammad is the messenger of God.