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Acts and Benefits during Ramadan

RamaDân, the month of the Qur'ân, the month of repentance, the month when we renounce worldly pleasures and hold ourselves in check, the month when the soul is at peace, the month of Qur'ân recitation, of nightly worship and many good deeds. So rush to fill your days and yourselves with obedience to Allâh for whoever does not fill his spare time with what he seeks to benefit himself, his free time will occupy him with what he does not seek.

Middle of Month of Sha`bân. Night of 15 Shaaban

The Prophet said: « إذا كانت ليلةُ النصفِ من شعبانَ فقوموا ليلَها وصُوموا نهارها » which means: « Spend the night preceding the 15th day of Sha`bân in acts of obedience, and fast the next day. » The night of the middle-Shaban is a blessed night.

How to fast the month of Ramadan. Integrals & Invalidators of Fasting

The obligation on the believers of fasting RamaDân is known from the Qur’ân and the Hadîth. It was explicitly stated in Verse 183 of Surat Al-Baqarah: {يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ} which means: « O believers, Fasting is an obligation upon you as it was ordained upon the (Muslim nations) before you–to help you become pious. » Fasting was an obligation upon the nations before the nation of Prophet Muḥammad peace to be upon him, however, fasting the month of RamaDân in particular is a specification for the nation of Prophet Muḥammad peace to be upon him only.

The Story of `uzayr in the Holy Qur'an

`Uzayr, whose story was briefly mentioned in the Qur’ân, was a pious Muslim from the descendents of Prophet Israel i.e. Ya`qub. We bring you his story in detail because of what it shows of God’s great Might.

Prophets and Messengers of God

It's not right that God would reveal on his Messengers or Prophets different Religions that contradict each other in essentials. A messenger is a prophet who comes with abrogating some of the laws brought by the previous messenger or receives a new set of laws. But the religion is one, believing in the oneness of Allâh.

The Two Testifications Shahadahs

Professing the Two Shahadahs: In regards to the blasphemer who wants to embrace Islam, the belief is not accepted without one uttering the Two Testifications (Shahadahs). In addition, the Muslim is obligated to recite the Two Testifications (Shahadahs) in every prayer for validity of that prayer. The Two Testifications are: I testify that no one is God except Allâh and I testify that Muḥammad is the Messenger of Allâh.

Understanding the Qur'ân Muḥkam and Mutashâbih Verses

Allâh said in the Qur'ân which means: « Allâh is the One Who has sent down to the Prophet the Book that contains muHkamat ayat, which are the foundation of the Book, and other ayat which are mutashabihat. Those who have perversity in their hearts, they follow the mutashabihat ayat seeking discord and searching for unbefitting meanings based on their delusions. No one knows their true meanings except Allâh and those who are firmly rooted in the knowledge of the Religion. The latter say, “We believe in it, all of it is from our Lord and none will understand the message except men of comprehension”. » [sûrât ‘Âli `Imrân, ayah 7].

Muslim Citadel Protection Evocations and Invocations

Invocations and Evocations (‘ADHKAR) Reported from the Messenger of Allâh to Recite Morning and Evening: the one who says them is protected and nothing harms him, by the will of Allâh. To be protected against sorcery, the evil eye, the nuisance of jinns ...

Patience and Subjugating Oneself to Allâh

Patience is among the obligations of the heart. It is of three kinds: Patience in performing what Allâh made obligatory. Patience in avoiding what Allah made unlawful. Patience with hardships and calamities.

Tawassoul: Invocation of God by the Degree of the Prophets and the Virtuous

Tawassoul: Invocation of Allah by the degree of Prophets and the Virtuous is permitted in Islam believing that God is the Only One who creates benefit and harm.