angels. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website.
The Amazing Signs during the Birth of the Prophet Muḥammad
Many signs accompanied the honorable birth of the Prophet. Al-BayHaqiyy, Ibn `Asakir and others narrated from the route of Hani’ ِl-Makhzumi that he said, « On the night of the birth of the Messenger of Allâh, the palace of Kisra (the King of the Persians) shook and fourteen balconies fell from it. The fire of the Persians which had been burning continuously for one thousand years went out. The lake of Sa wah (in Persia) dried up. »
The Essentials Of Islamic Belief
Islam is the Religion of all the Prophets of Allâh starting with Adam and ending with Muḥammad. In Arabic Islam means submission. To believe in the heart and declare with the tongue: « No one is God except Allâh and Muḥammad is the Messenger of Allâh » is how one becomes Muslim. Utterance with the Two Professions (Ash-Shahadatan) is required of the person who is not already a Muslim. A Muslim is a believer and a follower of Islam.
Miracle of Isrâ' and Mi`râj, Nocturnal Journey and Ascent of Prophet Muḥammad
Isrâ` and Mi`râj: this event is celebrated on the 27th of Rajab as per the Islamic calendar. It commemorates the miraculous night journey of Prophet Muḥammad Sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam from the city of Makkah to Jerusalem and then through the seven skies to paradise and beyond.
The Holy Books
All holy books taught that Islam is the only true religion. That means all Prophets and Messengers were Muslims, that is, they believed in one God, and that this God is the only true God and he only deserves to be worshipped. The laws in the Quraan differed from previous laws of other Prophets. But the religion is one, ISLAM.
Understanding the Qur'ân Muḥkam and Mutashâbih Verses
Allâh said in the Qur'ân which means: « Allâh is the One Who has sent down to the Prophet the Book that contains muHkamat ayat, which are the foundation of the Book, and other ayat which are mutashabihat. Those who have perversity in their hearts, they follow the mutashabihat ayat seeking discord and searching for unbefitting meanings based on their delusions. No one knows their true meanings except Allâh and those who are firmly rooted in the knowledge of the Religion. The latter say, “We believe in it, all of it is from our Lord and none will understand the message except men of comprehension”. » [sûrât ‘Âli `Imrân, ayah 7].
Muslim Citadel Protection Evocations and Invocations
Invocations and Evocations (‘ADHKAR) Reported from the Messenger of Allâh to Recite Morning and Evening: the one who says them is protected and nothing harms him, by the will of Allâh. To be protected against sorcery, the evil eye, the nuisance of jinns ...
Tawassoul: Invocation of God by the Degree of the Prophets and the Virtuous
Tawassoul: Invocation of Allah by the degree of Prophets and the Virtuous is permitted in Islam believing that God is the Only One who creates benefit and harm.