Muslim month. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website.
How Fasting Ramadan Siyam
Questions answers to clear up how Fasting RamaDân. Who is obligated to fast the month of Ramaḍān ? Is it obligatory to make the intention for fasting before doing it ? Is it obligatory to specify the fasting while making the intention ? When must this happen ? Count some of the excuses which permit one to not to fast in RamaDân
Acts and Benefits during Ramadan
RamaDân, the month of the Qur'ân, the month of repentance, the month when we renounce worldly pleasures and hold ourselves in check, the month when the soul is at peace, the month of Qur'ân recitation, of nightly worship and many good deeds. So rush to fill your days and yourselves with obedience to Allâh for whoever does not fill his spare time with what he seeks to benefit himself, his free time will occupy him with what he does not seek.
Middle of Month of Sha`bân. Night of 15 Shaaban
The Prophet said: « إذا كانت ليلةُ النصفِ من شعبانَ فقوموا ليلَها وصُوموا نهارها » which means: « Spend the night preceding the 15th day of Sha`bân in acts of obedience, and fast the next day. » The night of the middle-Shaban is a blessed night.
How to fast the month of Ramadan. Integrals & Invalidators of Fasting
The obligation on the believers of fasting RamaDân is known from the Qur’ân and the Hadîth. It was explicitly stated in Verse 183 of Surat Al-Baqarah: {يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ} which means: « O believers, Fasting is an obligation upon you as it was ordained upon the (Muslim nations) before you–to help you become pious. » Fasting was an obligation upon the nations before the nation of Prophet Muḥammad peace to be upon him, however, fasting the month of RamaDân in particular is a specification for the nation of Prophet Muḥammad peace to be upon him only.
Prophet Muhammad's praised Manners
He is Muḥammad, whom Allâh has given manners that were all what the Qur'ân ordered to do, he is Muḥammad who accepts what the Honourable Qur’an calls to accept, he followed the manners and conducts that the Qur’an called for and abided by its orders. He never revenged on his own behalf unless the boundaries of the Religion were violated. He is Muḥammad whom ar-RaHmân has sent as a mercy to this nation. He is Muḥammad, the most courageous and brave man when confronting the enemy.
Patience and Subjugating Oneself to Allâh
Patience is among the obligations of the heart. It is of three kinds: Patience in performing what Allâh made obligatory. Patience in avoiding what Allah made unlawful. Patience with hardships and calamities.