How Fasting Ramadan Siyam

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Praise be to God the Creator of the world, the One Who exists without beginning, without end, without location , without a “how” and Who does not depend on time. Nothing resembles Him in anyway and He hears and sees everything without organs. Whatever you imagine, God is different from that. May the elevation in degree and preservation of his community of what he fears for it, be granted to our master Muḥammad Al-‘Amin, the Honest One, who called for following Islam, the religion of truth, the religion of all the Prophets: of the First, Adam, to the last Muḥammad.

Q: Who is obligated to fast the month of Ramaḍān ?

A: Every accountable Muslim who is able to fast has to fast Ramaḍān. Fasting Ramaḍān is not valid if performed by a menstruating or postpartum-bleeding woman. These women have to make up the days they missed.

Q: Count some of the excuses which permit one to not to fast in Ramaḍān.

A: It is permissible for a sick person, pregnant woman or breast-feeding woman who cannot tolerate the hardship of fasting to break the fast. Each one of those has to make up the missed day (Qada’). In addition, it is permissible for a pregnant and breast-feeding woman to break the fast if they are afraid for the fetus. However, they have to make up the missed day and pay a fidyah.

Q: Is it obligatory to make the intention for fasting before doing it ? Is it obligatory to specify the fasting while making the intention ? When must this happen ?

A: Yes, one has to make the intention for fasting the next day and also specify for each day that he is fasting a day of Ramaḍān. One intends to fast at any time between after Al-Maghrib and before the break of Al-Fajr of the day of Ramaḍān. He says in his heart: I intend to fast the next day of Ramaḍān. Or in Arabic :

« نويتُ صومَ غدٍ عنْ أدآء فرضِ رَمضانَ هذه السنةَ إيمانًا واحتسابًا للهِ تعالى »

(nawaytu ṣawma ghadin `an ’adâ’i farḍi Ramaḍāna hâdhihi s-sanata ’îmânan wa ḥtiçâban li l-Lâhi ta`âlâ)

Q: What are the things from which the one who is fasting has to abstain?

A: The one who is fasting has to abstain from sexual intercourse, masturbation, intentional vomiting and apostasy (Riddah / Kufur). One also abstains from inserting anything with a volume (Even a sesame seed) into the body cavity through any of the body’s inlet, except one’s unmixed and pure saliva while it is inside the mouth.

Q: Does vomiting break the fast ?

A: If one was overtaken by vomit, his fast is not broken. This is on the condition that the person did not swallow any of vomit or any of his filthy saliva while being able to avoid that. On the other hand, if the person induces vomit by his finger, for example, then he has broken his fast.

Q: Does the occurrence of insanity or losing consciousness on the day of Ramaḍān invalidate fasting ?

A: If one becomes insane even for a moment, his fasting is invalidated. When one loses consciousness all the day of fast, his fasting becomes invalidated. However, sleeping the whole day does not invalidate fasting.

Q: What are the days on which fasting is not valid ?

A: It is invalid and not permissible to fast the days of `Id Al-Fitr, `Id Al-’Adha and the three days of at-Tashriq. These are the three days that follow `Id Al-’Adha. One also is not allowed to fast the last half of the month of Sha`bân and the day of doubt. The day of doubt is when the hilal is sighted by non-trustworthy Muslims or women, for example. One may fast the last half of Sha`bân and the day of doubt if one fasts them joined with the days before them, or for making up missed days, or for fulfilling an oath, or a wird or a kaffarah.

Q: A person had a sexual intercourse on the day of Ramaḍān without an excuse. What is the judgment on that deed which he did ?

A: One invalidates the fasting of a day of Ramaḍān by making a sexual intercourse, if done willfully, knowing it is prohibited to do so and remembering that he is fasting. He has committed a major sin and has to make up that day without a delay after Ramaḍān. He also has to perform a kaffarah which is: To free a Muslim slave who is not defective, if unable, he has to fast two consecutive lunar months, and if unable, he has to feed sixty poor (miskin) sixty mudd (two average cupped hands) of wheat or other grain.

More Questions on Fasting Ramaḍān

1. Ingestion of food, water, sexual intercourse - for forgetting. As soon as one thinks of fasting, he is obliged to cease its position and continue.

2. Involuntary sperm output, such as wet-dream. This does not invalidate fasting.Masturbation does.

3. Touching up the eyes with antimony or instillation of drops in the eye. The eye drop does not invalidate the fast. Similarly, hypodermic, intramuscular, and intravenous injections do not invalidate fasting.

4. Phlebotomy, collecting blood for analysis or as a donor. The same goes for bleeding. This does not invalidate fasting.

5. Brushing your teeth miswak or toothbrush without toothpaste. This does not invalidate fasting.

6. Rinsing the nose and mouth rinse. This does not invalidate fasting as long as one does not swallow water.

7. Taking a shower, performing ablution, and swimming.  This does not invalidate fasting.

8. Involuntary inhalation of tobacco smoke, dust or other, what is there is no complicity fasting. Smoking invalidates the fasting. But inhaling the smoke of a smoker or dust of the street, This does not invalidate fasting.

9. Treatment or tooth extraction without apparent swallowing of blood or drugs  This does not invalidate fasting.

10. Ingestion of nasal mucus. This does invalidate fasting according to Imam Shafi`iy. According to Hanafis it does not.

11. Vomiting in a small volume (involuntary vomiting and self-return of the vomit back into the stomach or the deliberate induction of vomiting without filling her mouth). Inducing vomit does invalidate fasting.

12. Ingestion of food remained between the teeth, if the total mass is not equal to a pea. No, even if smaller then a pea whatever substance has a volume if swallowed, it invalidate fasting.

13. Injection into the muscle, a vein or under the skin, but only if medically necessary. This does not invalidate fasting.

14. Inhaling incense, even deliberate. This does not invalidate fasting.

15. Trying out food to taste without swallowing it. This does not invalidate fasting.

16. The use of ointments, iodine or green fodder for the disinfection or the healing of open wounds. This does not invalidate fasting.

الحمد لله رب العالمين

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