appearance prophet Muhammad. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website.

Birth of Prophet Muḥammad Amazing Events Occured on Mawlid

Al-BayHaqiyy reported according to Ibnu `Abbas that he said: the prophet was born the year of the elephant. One must believe he was born in Makkah and sent as a Messenger therein; he immigrated to al-Madinah and was buried therein ; and he was truthful in everything he told about and conveyed from Allâh.

Eid Al-Fiṭr 2024 1445 and Zakat of Fiṭr

Also note that it is obligatory upon individuals who fulfil certain conditions to pay Zakah of Fitr. Zakah of fitr is an obligation on every Muslim who is alive at the end of Ramadan and the beginning of Shawwâl. In other terms if someone is alive when the sun sets on the last day of Ramaḍān, that is until after the sun sets, then the zakah of fitr is due on this person.

The Amazing Signs during the Birth of the Prophet Muḥammad

Many signs accompanied the honorable birth of the Prophet. Al-BayHaqiyy, Ibn `Asakir and others narrated from the route of Hani’ ِl-Makhzumi that he said, « On the night of the birth of the Messenger of Allâh, the palace of Kisra (the King of the Persians) shook and fourteen balconies fell from it. The fire of the Persians which had been burning continuously for one thousand years went out. The lake of Sa wah (in Persia) dried up. »

Miracle of Isrâ' and Mi`râj, Nocturnal Journey and Ascent of Prophet Muḥammad

Isrâ` and Mi`râj: this event is celebrated on the 27th of Rajab as per the Islamic calendar. It commemorates the miraculous night journey of Prophet Muḥammad Sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam from the city of Makkah to Jerusalem and then through the seven skies to paradise and beyond.

Marriage in Islam. The Gracious Relationship Of A Marriage.

Islam constitutes rights for woman as it does for men. This fairness is clearly stated in the Holy Qur’an. Allâh said in Surat Al-Baqarah Ayah 228 This glorious Ayah indicates that men are bound to rights and duties, which they have to give to woman, as woman are bound to rights and duties, which they have to give to men, as ordered by Allâh the Exalted.

The Story of `uzayr in the Holy Qur'an

`Uzayr, whose story was briefly mentioned in the Qur’ân, was a pious Muslim from the descendents of Prophet Israel i.e. Ya`qub. We bring you his story in detail because of what it shows of God’s great Might.

Merits and Benefits of Fasting on the Day of Arafah, best day of the year

the Prophet ṣalla l-Lâhu `alayhi wa sallam said which means: "The best of days is the day of `Arafah" and : `Arafah atones for the sins of the previous year and the following year.