Birth of Prophet Muḥammad Amazing Events Occured on Mawlid

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

Praise be to God the Creator of the world, the One Who exists without beginning, without end, without location , without a “how” and Who does not depend on time. Nothing resembles Him in anyway and He hears and sees everything without organs. Whatever you imagine, God is different from that. May the elevation in degree and preservation of his community of what he fears for it, be granted to our master Muḥammad Al-‘Amin, the Honest One, who called for following Islam, the religion of truth, the religion of all the Prophets: of the First, Adam, to the last Muḥammad

Allâh Ta`âlâ sent our Master Muḥammad Salla l-Lâhou `alayhi wa sallam and made him the best of His creatures and the most honorable according to His judgment.

He honored him in relation to all creatures to the point where signs appeared at his birth which indicate the eminence of his blessings.

Allâh Ta`âlâ says in the honored Qur’ân:

﴿ لَقَدْ جَاءكُمْ رَسُولٌ مِّنْ أَنفُسِكُمْ عَزِيزٌ عَلَيْهِ مَا عَنِتُّمْ حَرِيصٌ عَلَيْكُم بِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ رَؤُوفٌ رَّحِيمٌ ﴾

(laqad jâ’akum raçûlun min ‘anfusikum `azîzun `alayhi mâ `anittum HarîSun `alaykum bi l-mu’minîna ra’ûfun raHîm)

which means: « There has come to you a Messenger from among you, who fears for you that you will do what deserves punishment, who is fervently attached that you have faith, who shows immense compassion and who is merciful to believers » [sûrat At-Tawbah / 128].

Prophet Muḥammad Salla l-Lâhu `alayhi wa sallam was born on Monday 12 of the month of Rabî`u l-’awwal in the year of the elephant.

Al-Bayhaqiyy reported from Ibnu ʻAbbâs that he said: the prophet was born in the year of the elephant. As for the month of his birth, it is rabî`u l-’awwal (3rd lunar month), and what is retained by scholars that he was born on the twelfth night of this month. As for the day of his birth it is Monday without divergence, so Muslim reported from Abû Qatâdah al-’AnSâriyy said: the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم was questioned on the Monday fast he said:

« ذاك يوم ولدت فيه، وأُنزل عليّ فيه »

which means: « on this day I was born and on this day I received revelation ».

The Honored Lineage of Prophet Muḥammad

هو أَبو القَاسِمِ سيِّدُنا مُحَمَّد
ابنُ عَبْدِ اللهِ بنِ عَبْدِ المُطَّلِبِ بن هَاشِمِ بنِ عَبْدِ مَنَافِ ابنِ قُصَيِّ بنِ كِلابِ بنِ مُرَّةَ بنِ كَعْبِ بنِ لُؤَيِّ بنِ غَالِبِ ابن فِهْرِ بنِ مَالِكِ بنِ النَّضْرِ بنِ كِنَانَةَ بنِ خُزَيْمَةَ بنِ مُدْرِكَةَ ابنِ إِلْيَاسَ بنِ مُضَرِ بن نِزَارِ بنِ مَعَدِّ بن عَدْنَانَ

ويتَّصلُ نَسَبُهُ إلى نبيِّ اللهِ إِسْمَاعِيلَ ابْنِ نبيِّ اللهِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ

He is Muḥammad (Sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam), the son of  `Abdullâh, the son of  `Abdul-MuTTalib, the son of  Hashim, the son of  `Abdu Manaf, the son of Qusaiyy, the son of  Kilab, the son of  Murah, the son of  Ka`b, the son of Lu’aiyy, the son of  Ghâlib, the son of  Fihr, the son of  Malik, the son of An-NaDr, the son of  Kinanah, the son of  Khuzaymah, the son of  Mudrikah, the son of Ilyas, the son of  Mudar, the son of  Nizar, the son of Ma`ad, the son of  `Adnân.

After Adnan the honorable lineage goes back to Prophet Ismâ`il the son of Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon them.

Note: He is from the tribe of Quraysh, Sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam, is the slave of Allâh and His Messenger to all the creation.

One must believe he was born in Makkah and sent as a Messenger therein ; he immigrated to al-Madinah and was buried therein ; and he was truthful in everything he told about and conveyed from Allâh. Among what the Prophet informed us is: the torture in the grave and the enjoyment therein ; the questioning of the two angels, Munkar and Nakir ; Resurrection (Ba`th) ; Assembly (Hashr) ; the Day of Judgement (Qiyamah) ; Presentation of the deeds (Hisab) ; Reward (Thawab) ; Punishment (`Adhab) ; the Balance (Mizan) ; Hellfire (Nâr) ; the Bridge (Sirât) ; the Basin (Hawd) ; the Intercession (Shafa`ah) ; Paradise (Jannah) ; seeing Allâh, ta`âlâ, with the eye in the Hereafter, without Him having a form or being in a place or a direction different from the way a creation is seen ; the dwelling forever in Paradise or Hellfire ; the belief in Allâh’s Angels, Messengers, Books, and Destiny (Qadar) both good and evil ; and that Muḥammad, Sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam, is the last of the prophets and the best of all the children of Adam.

Praise be to Allâh and may Allâh increase the honor and raise the rank of our Prophet Muḥammad.

Amazing Events Occured on Birth of Prophet Muḥammad

The night of the birth (Mawlid) of Prophet Muḥammad (peace be upon him) is a great and honored night, its enlightenment is obvious ; it is a superb night ; its merits, goodness and blessing were revealed in what had dazzled the minds and sights.

On the night Prophet Muḥammad, Sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam, was born, the palace of the arrogant dictator Kisra trembled, and 14 of its balconies fell off to the ground. The huge fire of Persia, which had been lit for 1000 years to that day, died out ; and the water of Lake Sawah (a city in Persia) dried out.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وبعد،

يوم ولادة الرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، سقط أربع عشرة شرفة. وفي سقوط أربع عشرة شرفة إشارة إلى أنه لم يبق من ملوك الفرس إلا أربعة عشرة ملكا وكان ءاخرهم في خلافة سيدنا عثمان رضي الله عنه .

وأما نار فارس التي كانوا يعبدونها من دون الله والتي كانت توقد وتضرم ليلا ونهارًا فانطفأت.

وأما بحيرة ساوه التي كانت تسير فيها السفن فقد جف ماؤها.

ومن الآيات التي ظهرت لمولده صلى الله عليه وسلم أن إبليس حجب عن خبر السماء فصاح ورنّ (أي صاح) رنة عظيمة كما رنّ حين لعن وحين أخرج من الجنة وحين ولد النبيّ صلى الله عليه وسلم وحين نزلت الفاتحة.

The falling of 14 balconies was an indication that only 14 of the Persian kings were left, the last one of them was during the Caliphate of `Uthman Ibn `Affân may Allâh raise his rank.

The fire of Persia, which the fire worshipers used to worship, which used to be lit continuously night and day, was put out.

Lake Sawah in which the ships used to sail dried out.

Among the indications which appeared when the Prophet, Sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam, was born is that Iblis (the head of the devil) was veiled from knowing about the news cast in the heaven, he wrung a loud scream as he screamed when he was damned and when he was kicked out from Paradise. He also screamed when the Prophet, Sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam, was born and when Al-FâtiHah came down.

Birth of Prophet Muḥammad

قَالَتْ ءامِنَةُ بِنْتُ وَهْبٍ: فَلَمَّا وَضَعْتُ رسولَ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم رَأَيْتُهُ رَافِعًا رَأسَهُ إِلَى السَّماءِ مُشيِرًا بإصبَعه، فَاحْتَمَلَهُ جِبْرِيلُ وَطَارَتَ بِه المَلائِكَة، وَلَفَّهُ مِيكَائِيلُ في ثَوْب أبْيَضَ مِنَ الجَنَّة، وأَعْطَاهُ إِلَى رِضْوَانَ يَزُقُّه كَمَا يَزُقُّ الطيرُ فَرْخَه، وَكُنْتُ أنْظُرُ إليهِ كَأنَّه يقولُ زِدْني، فَقَالَ لَهُ رِضْوَان: يَكْفِيكَ يَا حَبيبَ الله فَمَا بَقِيَ لِنَبِيّ عِلْمٌ وَحِلْمٌ إلا أُوتيتَهُ فَاسْتَمْسَكَ بِالعُروَةِ الوُثقَى، مَنْ قَالَ مَقَالَتَكَ وَاتبَّعَ شَرِيعَتَكَ، يُحْشَرُ غَدًا في زُمْرَتِكَ، وَإِذَا مُنَادٍ يُنَادي: طُوفُوا بِهِ مَشارقَ الأَرْضِ وَمغارِبَها، وَاعْرِضُوهُ عَلَى مَوَالِدِ الأنْبِيَاء (أي المكان الذي وُلِدَ فيهِ النبيون) وَأَعْطُوهُ صَفْوَةَ ءادم، وَمَعْرِفَةَ شِيث، ورِقَّة نُوحٍ وَخُلَّةَ إبْرَاهيم وَرضَا إسْحَاقَ، وَفَصَاحَةَ إسْمَاعِيلَ، وَحِكْمَةَ لُقْمَانَ، وَصَبْرَ أَيّوب، وَنَغْمَةَ دَاودَ، وَقُوَّةَ مُوسَى، وزُهْدَ عِيْسَى، وَفَهْمَ سُلَيْمَان، وَطِبَّ دَانْيالَ، وَوَقَارَ إِليَاسَ، وَعِصْمَةَ يَحيَي، وَقَبُولَ زَكَرِيَّا، وَاغْمِسُوهُ فِي أَخْلاَقِ النَّبِيّينَ كُلّهِمْ، وَأخْفُوهُ عَنْ أَعْيُنِ العَالمَِينَ، فَهُوَ حَبِيبُ رَبّ العَالمَِينَ، فَطُوبَى لِحِجْرٍ ضَمَّهُ، وَطُوبَى لِثَديٍ أَرْضَعَهُ، وَطُوبَى لِبُيُوتٍ سَكَنَها، فَقَالَتَ الطَّيْرُ نَحْنُ نَكْفَلُهُ، وَقَالَت المَلاَئِكَةُ نَحْنُ أَحَقُّ بِهِ، وَقَالَتِ الوُحُوشُ نَحْنُ نُرْضِعُهُ. قَالَ اللهُ تعالى (وهذا ليس من القرءان) « أَنَا أَوْلَى بِحَبِيبي وَنَبِيّي مُحَمَّدٍ صلى الله عليه وسلم فَإِنّي قَدْ كَتبتْ أَنْ لا تُرضِعَهُ إلا أمَتي حَلِيمَة. »

Aminah Bintu Wahb said: When I delivered the Messenger of Allâh, I saw him raising his head toward the sky and pointing with his finger. Jibrîl then carried him and the angels flew carrying him. Mikâ’îl then wrapped him with a white dress from Paradise and gave him to Ridwan, who fed him straight from his mouth to his mouth as the bird does to its young.

I was looking at him and I saw that as if he was saying: Give me more. RiDwan said to him: O you, the beloved one to Allâh, you had enough, for every knowledge and wise patience that was given to every single prophet was given to you, so hold firmly to the steadfastness to Iman and Islam. The one who says what you say and follows your Law (Shari`ah) will be assembled with you on the Day of Judgment.

A caller then sounded: Take him to the Far East and Far West and present him to the places where the prophets were born. Give him the serenity of Adam, the knowledge of Shith, the gentleness of Nuh, the khullah (special level of acceptability by Allâh) of Ibrâhîm, the satisfaction of Ishaq, the eloquence of Ismâ`îl, the wisdom of Luqman, the patience of Ayyub, the voice annotations of Dawud, the strength of Mûsâ Moses, the detachment from the world of `Isâ, the comprehension of Sulaymân, the medicine of Danial, the respectfulness of Ilyas, the impeccability of YaHya, the acceptance of Zakariyya and give him all the traits, manners and conducts of all of the prophets and conceal him from the eyes of the humans and jinn, for he is the beloved one to Allâh. What an utmost bliss for the one who embraced him into her lap, and the one who nursed him from her breast, and for the houses which he resided in.

The birds said: We will look after him, and the angels said: We are more deserving of having him, and the beasts said: We will nurse him.

Allâh ta`âlâ said (it is important to say here that this is not a verse of the Qur’ân): « I am more deserving of the beloved one to me and My Prophet ; I have Decreed that he will be nursed only by my slave Halîmah. »

وُلِدَ صلى الله عليه وسلم مَكْحُولاً مَدْهُونًا مَسْرْورًا مَخْتُونًا، وَحِينَ وُلِدَ سَارَعَتْ إلى طَلْعَتِهِ المُبَارَكَةِ ثَلاَثةٌ مِنَ المَلائِكَةِ مَع أَحَدِهِمْ طَسْتٌ مِنَ الذَّهَبِ وَمَعَ الثّانِي إِبْرِيقٌ مِنَ الذَّهَبِ وَمَعَ الثَّالِثِ مِنْديلٌ مِنَ السُّنْدُسِ الأَخْضَرِ وَغَسَّلُوهُ بِمَاءِ الرَّحِيقِ.

The Prophet, may Allâh raise his rank, was born with congenital blackness of the eyelids, anointed with oil, happy, and circumcised.

When he was born, three angels rushed to his blessed appearance: One of them had a bowl made of gold, the second one had a pitcher made of gold, and the third one had a handkerchief made of green silk ; they washed him with the water of the non-intoxicating wine which is different than the one of this world.

قَالَتْ ءامِنَةُ بِنْتُ وَهْبٍ: فَلَمَّا وَضَعْتُ رَسولَ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم خر ساجدًا لله تعالى، فهو صلوات ربي وسلامه عليه أعرف الخلق بمقام العبودية والعبادة وأعرف العِباد والعُبَّاد .

Aminah Bintu Wahb said: When I gave birth to the Messenger of Allâh, Sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam, he landed making prostration (sujud) to Allâh ta`âlâ ; for he ; may Allâh raise his rank ; is the most knowledgeable creature about the rank of the slavery to Allâh and about the acts of worship. He is the most knowledgeable one among the slaves and among those who perform the acts of worship.

The Description of Prophet Muḥammad by Umm Ma`bad

In his Book, « `Uyunul-Athar » Ibn Sayyidin-Nas mentioned: While immigrating to Madinah, Prophet Muḥammad صلى الله عليه وسلم was accompanied by Abu Bakr, `Amir Ibn Fuhayrah, the slave of Abu Bakr, and the son of Urayqit, who guided them on their way.

They passed by Umm Ma`bad from the tribe of Khuza`ah, who did not know them. The Prophet said to her: « O Umm Ma`bad, do you have milk ? » She said: « No, by Allâh. » He then saw a female sheep at the end of the house and asked her about it. She said that it was an old sheep and did not produce milk anymore. With the permission of Umm Ma`bad, the Prophet passed his hand over the back and udder of the sheep. Then he asked for a container. He milked the sheep and filled the container. Then he gave the milk to his Companions to drink. He milked the sheep again to fill the container for Umm Ma`bad and he left.

Later, upon his return, Umm Ma`bad’s husband asked her: O Umm Ma`bad, What is this milk when there is no milking sheep in the house and the rest of the sheep were away ?  She said: « No, by Allâh. However, there passed by us: « A man with obvious beauty and cleanliness, a glowing countenance, and a good appearance/disposition ; with no bulging stomach disgracing him, or a small head disparaging him ; is overtly handsome and wholly beautiful ; his eyes are wide and very white and black and eyelashes are long ; whose voice is devoid of hoarseness, neck is long, and beard is full ; the white part of whose eyes is extremely white, and the black part of whose eyes is  extremely black, as if his eyelids have kohl naturally ; whose eyebrows arch longitudinally and thinly, (as if they) meet ; who has an extremely black hair ; who is stately when silent and is gorgeous when speaking ; who is the most beautiful and striking man from far and the best and most beautiful from close ; whose speech is sweet, clear, and decisive, neither vaguely short, nor boringly and pointlessly long ; whose words flow forth like a perfect string of pearls ; of medium height, that neither elicits contempt to avert him for shortness, nor aversion to him for excessive tallness ; who is a branch between two branches ; he is the most radiant of the three and the most well-respected ; whose companions surround him ; when he speaks they listen attentively to his speech, and when he commands they vie with each other to fulfill his commands, who is well served and attended, who is neither a scowled, nor a prattler. »

صلى الله عليه صلاة يقضي بها حاجاتنا ويفرج بها كرباتنا ويكفينا بها شر أعدائنا وسلم عليه وعلى ءاله سلامًا كثيرًا .

الحمد لله رب العالمين

amazing events occured on birth of prophet muhammad birth date of the prophet muhammad Birth of Prophet MuHammad description of rophet muhammad history of the prophet mohammed mawlid 2021 prophet muhammad Islamic Reminders islamic stories islamic histories Prophets Stories Histories Muslim Holidays sunni mawlid 2021 mawlid 2021 mawlid 1442