tawhid. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website. Islam.ms.

Explanation of the 99 Perfect Names Of ALLAH GOD

Allâh has the perfect names which are 99 in number. The Names of God are also called Attributes of God except the name Allâh we do not say attribute, we say Name. Allah is free from the attributes of creatures.

Importance of Learning Islam by Oral Transmission from Trustworthy People

Learning religion is obligatory for every Muslim. The science of religion is a gateway to success in this world and in the Hereafter, leading you to eternal happiness that has no end. The knowledge of Tawhid implies to know Allah and his messenger, and this is the best of all knowledge of Islam.

The Beginning of Creation. Water is The First Creature

Allah created the heavens, the earths, and the mountains. Allah created the rivers and the seas. Allah created the sun, the moon, the stars, and the planets. Allah created the shrubs, the trees, the humans, and the animals.The first thing Allah created was water. It is above the heavens. Allah is the Creator of everything and He doesn’t need any thing.

True Sufism vs. Sufi-Claimers

"True Sufis" are people who realize the importance of the Obligatory Knowledge of the Religion and endeavor to acquire it through proper channels, i.e., through trustworthy and knowledgeable teachers. "Sufi-claimers" are not interested in acquiring the knowledge of the Religion. They are ready to misinterpret the verses of the Qur’an and the hadiths of the Prophet to suit their own desires and to justify their bad inclinations and the enormous sins they commit.

Book: Fitnatu l-Wahhabiyyah the Wahhabi Tribulation

Many of the shaykhs of Ibn ^Abdul-Wahhab in al-Madinah used to say, "He will be misguided, and he will misguide those for whom Allah willed the misguidance." Things took place as per the speculation of the scholars. Ibn ^Abdul-Wahhab claimed his intention behind the madhhab he invented was "to purify the tawhid" and "repudiate the shirk." He also claimed people had been following the shirk for six-hundred years and he revived their Religion for them!!

Importance of acquiring Islamic Knowledge by Oral Transmission

The high status of knowledge has been clearly established in Islam through explicit texts in the Qur’an and the Hadith as well as in the writings of the scholars of Islam. Allâh said in Surat Al-Mujadalah, Ayah 11 which means: « Allâh raises the ranks of those among you who believe and those who were granted the knowledge. » Also, Allâh said in Surat Az-Zumar, Ayah 9 which means: « Those who know are not the same as those who do not know. » In the hadith related by Al-Bayhaqiyy, the Messenger of Allâh Muḥammad Sallâ lLâhou `alayhi wa sallam said which means: « Seeking the knowledge of the Religion is obligatory on every Muslim. »

Learning Islamic Knowledge The Gateway To Success

Knowledge is the gateway to success, as known by many. However, some people understand this statement differently. The Islamic definition and concept of knowledge, and how it is a gateway to success in this world and in the Hereafter, is an ambiguous matter to many people. Allâh said in Surat Az-Zumar, Ayah 9 which means: « Those who know are not the same as those who do not know. »

The Migration Al-Hijrah of Prophet Muḥammad from Mecca to Medina

The prophet Muḥammad emigrated from Mecca to Medina under the command of Allâh, and it is not by fleeing, fear, or cowardice. The blessed Migration displayed an honorable strife for human excellence and contained several lessons of patience, forbearance, knowledge and wisdom ; an enrichment for future generations to implement and use to iron out difficulties and overcome hardships and learn to persevere.

Prophet Muhammad’s praised Manners

He is Muḥammad, whom Allâh has given manners that were all what the Qur’ân ordered to do, he is Muḥammad who accepts what the Honourable Qur’an calls to accept, he followed the manners and conducts that the Qur’an called for and abided by its orders. He never revenged on his own behalf unless the boundaries of the Religion were violated. He is Muḥammad whom ar-RaHmân has sent as a mercy to this nation. He is Muḥammad, the most courageous and brave man when confronting the enemy.

Merits and Benefits of Fasting on the Day of Arafah, best day of the year

the Prophet ṣalla l-Lâhu `alayhi wa sallam said which means: "The best of days is the day of `Arafah" and : `Arafah atones for the sins of the previous year and the following year.