responsible person. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website.

Who is the Accountable Person in Islam (Mukallaf) who is obligated to embrace Islam and work according to its rules (sharî`ah) ?

In Islam, the accountable person (mukallaf) is the one who is pubescent, sane, and has received the message of Islam, which is: “No one is God except Allâh, and Muḥammad is the Messenger of Allâh.”

The Mental Proof that Allah (God) Exists

This universe is created, it is born, it needs who created it and who makes it change. This world with all the creations it contains must have a creator who is alive, attributed to the will, knowledge and power ; and it is Allah ta`ālâ. Allah is the creator of all things existing. The healthy mind does not accept the existence of an action without someone executing it.

Honored Angels in Islam

Allah created the angels of light. All of them are Muslims obedient slaves to God. They are impalpable creatures, endowed with souls honored according to the judgment of God. They are neither men nor women. They are slaves responsible for their actions, responsible for many tasks.

Gossip (Ghibah), Slander (Buhtan), and Talebearing (Namimah)

The tongue is one of many endowments Allâh bestowed upon His slaves. The one who uses his tongue in disobedience does not display thankfulness to Allâh and leads to his own destruction. Among the sins of the tongue: Gossip (Ghibah), Slander (Buhtan), and Talebearing (Namimah).

Children's Education in Islam

Allâh the exalted said in the Holy Qur'ân in Surat-TaHrim: يا أيها الذين ءامنوا قوا أنفسَكم وأهليكُم نارا وقودُها الناسُ والحجارة This ayah means: « O you who believed protect yourselves and your families from Hellfire, which is fuelled by people and stones. » Prophet Muḥammad peace be upon Him said what means: « Every one of you is a guardian over his dependents and is responsible for the action of these persons who are dependent on him. »

Marriage in Islam. The Gracious Relationship Of A Marriage.

Islam constitutes rights for woman as it does for men. This fairness is clearly stated in the Holy Qur’an. Allâh said in Surat Al-Baqarah Ayah 228 This glorious Ayah indicates that men are bound to rights and duties, which they have to give to woman, as woman are bound to rights and duties, which they have to give to men, as ordered by Allâh the Exalted.