poem prophet MuHammad. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website. Islam.ms.

Poem praising our Prophet Muḥammad

انت الحبيب وانت نور بصيرتي ... وسراج عمري في القديم وفي غدي You are the beloved and the light of my inner sense, My lifetime’s lantern, for my past and future more intense

Grand Intercession of the Prophet Muḥammad

Allâh made the Prophet, mercy and peace upon him, more deserving to manage the Believers’ affairs than themselves as the Prophet, mercy and peace upon him, is like their father and his wives are like their mothers, as mentioned in sûratu l-AHzâb 6.

Prophet Muhammad's praised Manners

He is Muḥammad, whom Allâh has given manners that were all what the Qur'ân ordered to do, he is Muḥammad who accepts what the Honourable Qur’an calls to accept, he followed the manners and conducts that the Qur’an called for and abided by its orders. He never revenged on his own behalf unless the boundaries of the Religion were violated. He is Muḥammad whom ar-RaHmân has sent as a mercy to this nation. He is Muḥammad, the most courageous and brave man when confronting the enemy.

Tawassoul: Invocation of God by the Degree of the Prophets and the Virtuous

Tawassoul: Invocation of Allah by the degree of Prophets and the Virtuous is permitted in Islam believing that God is the Only One who creates benefit and harm.