asr. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website.

Islamic Prayer Times & Qiblah of Cities Worldwide

After the belief in Allâh and His Messenger, the prayer is the best deed. Allâh made five prayers obligatory upon every pubescent, sane Muslim within the night and day. One has to be keen to perform them. Also, one must learn how the time of each prayer begins and how it ends. It is a duty to check the times of prayers by observation and it is not enough to rely on a schedule based on the simple calculation.

How to Perform the Five Obligatory Prayers

There are five prayers which must be performed by the Muslims and are called obligatory prayers. They are Dhuhr (Noon) prayer, `Asr (afternoon) prayer, Maghrib (sunset) prayer, `Ishaa’ (Nightfall) prayer and Fajr (Dawn) prayer. It is a great sin to neglect performing any of these obligatory prayers. Among the merits of performing the obligatory prayers is that one’s small sins, which may be committed between prayers, are forgiven. Application : Prayer Times Qibla finder Compass Free & no Ads

Download Free Application Islamic Prayer Times cities worldwide & Qibla finder Compass Locator. Salat Times

How to Determine the Qiblah Direction for Prayer

al-’Imam ash-Shafi`iyy said in his book, Al-’Umm: “It is conceivable that Allah, the Exalted, ordered them with facing the direction of al-Qiblah by seeking its signs. He did not leave them to determine the direction by means which please them, cross their hearts, or delude them. Allah decreed not to leave them helpless without showing them the signs”. This means that Allah showed His slaves the acknowledge signs for seeking the direction of al-Qiblah. Hence, no attention is due to that which does not rely on religious proof.

Islam is the religion of all the Prophets. Unique True Religion

Islam is the first religion and the only religion that God has revealed to all the prophets and the only valid religion according to the sound mind. The Prophets are like brothers of the same father but different mothers, their religion is the same and their laws may differ.

Honored Angels in Islam

Allah created the angels of light. All of them are Muslims obedient slaves to God. They are impalpable creatures, endowed with souls honored according to the judgment of God. They are neither men nor women. They are slaves responsible for their actions, responsible for many tasks.

Paradise and Hellfire in Islam

The Paradise is the abode of peace, enjoyment, and happiness. Allâh prepared it for the Muslims. And the Hellfire which is the everlasting place of torture. Allâh prepared it for the blasphemers who chose blasphemy and refused Islam.

The story of Prophet NuH Noah’s Ark and Deluge

After the propagation of disbelief on the Earth, Allâh sent a prophet named NôuH (Noah). He therefore called people to enter Islam, to worship only God and to associate nothing to Him. The prophet Noah was the first messenger sent to unbelievers.

Adam the First Prophet and first Man

Adam is the first man and Prophet Messenger created by God. He was created from earth mixed with water, so he has no father or mother. He is the father of humanity. Allah has granted him a woman named Hawwa’(Eve). Both of them lived long in Paradise following the Laws of Islam and Allah brought them down to earth where they had many children.

The Pillars of Prayer and its conditions of validity

There are five prayers which must be performed by the Muslims and are called obligatory prayers. It is a great sin to neglect performing any of these obligatory prayers.

Reciting Quran for Muslim dead is Rewardable

Reading of the Qur’ân, it is a rewardable deed with the right intention and with the proper articulation of the Arabic letters, even if it were upon the Muslim dead.