appearance prophet Muhammad. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website.

The Description of Prophet Muḥammad

The Prophet was not extremely tall, nor was he short. He had a white complexion and black hair. The Prophet's hair was not straight rather it was slightly curly and long down to his shoulders. His smell was nicer than the pure musk itself. He had a clear forehead, long eyelashes, broad shoulders and a firm stomach. The Prophet was fast in his walk, and it was narrated that seeing his face one would think that the sun is rising from it.

Preservation, Attributes and Characteristics of Prophets and Messengers

All the prophets are Muslims and have called people to Islam. They are truthful, honest and extremely intelligent. It is impossible for the prophets to lie, betray, and be stupid. They are protected from blasphemy, major sins and degrading minor sins. They all have a beautiful face and a beautiful voice. They are protected from repulsive diseases that would drive people away from them.

Torture and Felicity of the Grave. Question of two Angels Munkar & Nakir

al-Hafidh as-suyûTiyy said: « The news of the torture of the grave is narrated by at-tawatur from the Prophet, Salla l-Lâhu `alayhi wa sallam ». This means that a large number of companions narrated the Hadiths of the Prophet concerning the torture of the grave. `Abdu l-Qâhir Abu ManSûr at-tamimiyy said in his book al-Farqu Baynal-Firaq: « Sunnis are unanimous that the one who denies the torture of the grave will be tortured in his grave », that is, because of their disbelief.

The Hardship and Patience of Prophet Ayyub Job

Prophet Ayyub (known in English as Job) was, however, the subject of a great trial and great suffering. However, this did not mean that he did not have a high degree according to the judgment of Allah. On the contrary, it was a trial on the part of his Lord, a trial for him to increase his reward and his retribution.

Prophet Zakariya and Birth of Mariam Mary Jesus’s Mother

Maryam (Mary) mother of Jesus grew up near the Prophet Zechariah (Zakariyya) who gave him his religious education. Maryam, daughter of Imran (not Moses' father) and Hannah (Anna, Ann) did not commit sins, she worshiped day and night. She thus reached the degree of holiness and she was the best woman of humanity.

The Signs of the approach of the Day of Judgment

There are minor signs and major signs. The minor indications, are what take place first and as the time draws closer to the Day of Judgment ; the major indications will follow the minor signs. These chain of minor signs will not happen in a short span of time, they are expected to continue prevailing over thousands of years leading into the time when major signs will begin to appear one after the other in a short span of time.

Torture and Felicity of the Grave. Question of two Angels Munkar & Nakir

Al-Hafidh as-suyûTiyy said: « The news of the torture of the grave is narrated by at-tawatur from the Prophet, Salla l-Lâhu `alayhi wa sallam ». This means that a large number of companions narrated the Hadiths of the Prophet concerning the torture of the grave. `Abdu l-Qâhir Abu ManSûr at-tamimiyy said in his book al-Farqu Baynal-Firaq: « Sunnis are unanimous that the one who denies the torture of the grave will be tortured in his grave », that is, because of their disbelief.

Laylatu l-Qadr Night of Greatness Night of Destiny

The month of Ramadan, which is the best of the year, has the best night of the year: Al-Qadr night. It's the best of the year, as the day of `Arafah is the best of the year. It is better than 1000 months, according to verse 3 of Sourat al-Qadr. The night of Al-Qadr - night of the Value - has a great merit and can be any night of Ramadan.

True Sufism vs. Sufi-Claimers

"True Sufis" are people who realize the importance of the Obligatory Knowledge of the Religion and endeavor to acquire it through proper channels, i.e., through trustworthy and knowledgeable teachers. "Sufi-claimers" are not interested in acquiring the knowledge of the Religion. They are ready to misinterpret the verses of the Qur’an and the hadiths of the Prophet to suit their own desires and to justify their bad inclinations and the enormous sins they commit.

Islamic Prayer Times & Qiblah of Cities Worldwide

After the belief in Allâh and His Messenger, the prayer is the best deed. Allâh made five prayers obligatory upon every pubescent, sane Muslim within the night and day. One has to be keen to perform them. Also, one must learn how the time of each prayer begins and how it ends. It is a duty to check the times of prayers by observation and it is not enough to rely on a schedule based on the simple calculation.

Eid Al Aḍ-ḥā Eid al-kebir 2023 1444 H

The Aḍ-ḥā `Id is one of the great days of the year on which the pilgrim fulfils the obligations of Hajj. It is also recommended for the pilgrim to offer a sacrifice on that day, with the intention to gain rewards from Allâh, the Exalted. This act is a regularly practised sunnah by the Prophet. Hence, the pilgrim and the non-pilgrim can practise this sunnah. This is evidenced in the ayah: فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَانْحَرْ the meaning of which is: « Perform the `Id Prayer and offer a sacrifice seeking reward from Allâh. »