heart sin. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website. Islam.ms.
The Story of `uzayr in the Holy Qur’an
`Uzayr, whose story was briefly mentioned in the Qur’ân, was a pious Muslim from the descendents of Prophet Israel i.e. Ya`qub. We bring you his story in detail because of what it shows of God’s great Might.
Prophet Muhammad’s praised Manners
He is Muḥammad, whom Allâh has given manners that were all what the Qur’ân ordered to do, he is Muḥammad who accepts what the Honourable Qur’an calls to accept, he followed the manners and conducts that the Qur’an called for and abided by its orders. He never revenged on his own behalf unless the boundaries of the Religion were violated. He is Muḥammad whom ar-RaHmân has sent as a mercy to this nation. He is Muḥammad, the most courageous and brave man when confronting the enemy.
Understanding the Qur’ân Muḥkam and Mutashâbih Verses
Allâh said in the Qur’ân which means: « Allâh is the One Who has sent down to the Prophet the Book that contains muHkamat ayat, which are the foundation of the Book, and other ayat which are mutashabihat. Those who have perversity in their hearts, they follow the mutashabihat ayat seeking discord and searching for unbefitting meanings based on their delusions. No one knows their true meanings except Allâh and those who are firmly rooted in the knowledge of the Religion. The latter say, “We believe in it, all of it is from our Lord and none will understand the message except men of comprehension”. » [sûrât ‘Âli `Imrân, ayah 7].
Merits and Benefits of Fasting on the Day of Arafah, best day of the year
the Prophet ṣalla l-Lâhu `alayhi wa sallam said which means: "The best of days is the day of `Arafah" and : `Arafah atones for the sins of the previous year and the following year.
Patience and Subjugating Oneself to Allâh
Patience is among the obligations of the heart. It is of three kinds: Patience in performing what Allâh made obligatory. Patience in avoiding what Allah made unlawful. Patience with hardships and calamities.
How to Determine the Qiblah Direction for Prayer
al-’Imam ash-Shafi`iyy said in his book, Al-’Umm: “It is conceivable that Allah, the Exalted, ordered them with facing the direction of al-Qiblah by seeking its signs. He did not leave them to determine the direction by means which please them, cross their hearts, or delude them. Allah decreed not to leave them helpless without showing them the signs”. This means that Allah showed His slaves the acknowledge signs for seeking the direction of al-Qiblah. Hence, no attention is due to that which does not rely on religious proof.