Islam True Religion. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website.

True Sufism vs. Sufi-Claimers

"True Sufis" are people who realize the importance of the Obligatory Knowledge of the Religion and endeavor to acquire it through proper channels, i.e., through trustworthy and knowledgeable teachers. "Sufi-claimers" are not interested in acquiring the knowledge of the Religion. They are ready to misinterpret the verses of the Qur’an and the hadiths of the Prophet to suit their own desires and to justify their bad inclinations and the enormous sins they commit.

Book: Fitnatu l-Wahhabiyyah the Wahhabi Tribulation

Many of the shaykhs of Ibn ^Abdul-Wahhab in al-Madinah used to say, "He will be misguided, and he will misguide those for whom Allah willed the misguidance." Things took place as per the speculation of the scholars. Ibn ^Abdul-Wahhab claimed his intention behind the madhhab he invented was "to purify the tawhid" and "repudiate the shirk." He also claimed people had been following the shirk for six-hundred years and he revived their Religion for them!!

Islamic Prayer Times & Qiblah of Cities Worldwide

After the belief in Allâh and His Messenger, the prayer is the best deed. Allâh made five prayers obligatory upon every pubescent, sane Muslim within the night and day. One has to be keen to perform them. Also, one must learn how the time of each prayer begins and how it ends. It is a duty to check the times of prayers by observation and it is not enough to rely on a schedule based on the simple calculation.

Gossip (Ghibah), Slander (Buhtan), and Talebearing (Namimah)

The tongue is one of many endowments Allâh bestowed upon His slaves. The one who uses his tongue in disobedience does not display thankfulness to Allâh and leads to his own destruction. Among the sins of the tongue: Gossip (Ghibah), Slander (Buhtan), and Talebearing (Namimah).

Importance of acquiring Islamic Knowledge by Oral Transmission

The high status of knowledge has been clearly established in Islam through explicit texts in the Qur'an and the Hadith as well as in the writings of the scholars of Islam. Allâh said in Surat Al-Mujadalah, Ayah 11 which means: « Allâh raises the ranks of those among you who believe and those who were granted the knowledge. » Also, Allâh said in Surat Az-Zumar, Ayah 9 which means: « Those who know are not the same as those who do not know. » In the hadith related by Al-Bayhaqiyy, the Messenger of Allâh Muḥammad Sallâ lLâhou `alayhi wa sallam said which means: « Seeking the knowledge of the Religion is obligatory on every Muslim. »

Warning: Extremist Wahhabi sect fake salafi

The wahhabi sect that emerged some 250 years ago, do not follow the Salaf scholars as they claim. And the Salaf are the scholars within the first three hundred years after Prophet Muḥammad. Because wahhabis among the extreme blasphemous beliefs, is their claim that Allâh is a large body sitting on the throne, and that He moves from one side to the other. And they also attribute to Allâh the limbs and bodily parts, and that's all declared as blasphemous kufur according to the rules of all scholars of Islam from Salaf and Khalaf.

Reciting Quran for Muslim dead is Rewardable

Reading of the Qur’ân, it is a rewardable deed with the right intention and with the proper articulation of the Arabic letters, even if it were upon the Muslim dead.

Learning Islamic Knowledge The Gateway To Success

Knowledge is the gateway to success, as known by many. However, some people understand this statement differently. The Islamic definition and concept of knowledge, and how it is a gateway to success in this world and in the Hereafter, is an ambiguous matter to many people. Allâh said in Surat Az-Zumar, Ayah 9 which means: « Those who know are not the same as those who do not know. »

What is Islam ? Meaning of Islam

Linguistically, Islam means submission. According to Islamic terminology, Islam means a specified submission. It is the submission to what the prophet brought. This takes place by uttering the THE TWO TESTIFICATIONS OF FAITH. Belief, on the other hand, linguistically means certitude. According to Islamic terminology, it means a specified certitude. It is to accept as true what the prophet brought. The least of Belief is to belief in the THE TWO TESTIFICATIONS OF FAITH. Islam and Belief cannot be disassociated. One of them is not accepted without the other, although their original meaning are not identical. Imam Abu Hanifah said in Al-Fiqh Al-'Akbar: "Islam is not acceptable without Belief and Belief is not accepted without Islam. They are like the front of something and its back." Islam is the Religion of all the prophets.

Celebrating the Birth of the Prophet Muḥammad Mawlid Nabawiyy

There are two types of innovations mentioned in this Hadîth: the innovations of guidance and the innovations of misguidance. What complies with the Qur’ân, the Sunnah, the Ijma` (scholarly consensus), and the sayings and practices of the Companions is an innovation of guidance, and what contradicts the Qur’ân, the Sunnah, the Ijma`, and the sayings and actions of the Companions is an innovation of misguidance.

The Essentials Of Islamic Belief

Islam is the Religion of all the Prophets of Allâh starting with Adam and ending with Muḥammad. In Arabic Islam means submission. To believe in the heart and declare with the tongue: « No one is God except Allâh and Muḥammad is the Messenger of Allâh » is how one becomes Muslim. Utterance with the Two Professions (Ash-Shahadatan) is required of the person who is not already a Muslim. A Muslim is a believer and a follower of Islam.