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The Signs of the approach of the Day of Judgment

There are minor signs and major signs. The minor indications, are what take place first and as the time draws closer to the Day of Judgment ; the major indications will follow the minor signs. These chain of minor signs will not happen in a short span of time, they are expected to continue prevailing over thousands of years leading into the time when major signs will begin to appear one after the other in a short span of time.

The Beginning of Creation. Water is The First Creature

Allah created the heavens, the earths, and the mountains. Allah created the rivers and the seas. Allah created the sun, the moon, the stars, and the planets. Allah created the shrubs, the trees, the humans, and the animals.The first thing Allah created was water. It is above the heavens. Allah is the Creator of everything and He doesn't need any thing.

Ayat Muḥkamat and Mutashabihât. Correct Exegesis of the Qur'ân

Allâh said in the Qur’ân, which means: « Allâh is the One Who has sent down to the Prophet the Book that contains muḥkamat ayat, which are the foundation of the Book, and other ayat which are mutashabihat. Those who have perversity in their hearts, they follow the mutashabihat ayat seeking discord and searching for unbefitting meanings based on their delusions. No one knows their true meanings except Allâh and those who are firmly rooted in the knowledge of the Religion. The latter say, “We believe in it, all of it is from our Lord and none will understand the message except men of comprehension”. » [sûrât ‘Âli `Imrân, 'âyah 7]

True Sufism vs. Sufi-Claimers

"True Sufis" are people who realize the importance of the Obligatory Knowledge of the Religion and endeavor to acquire it through proper channels, i.e., through trustworthy and knowledgeable teachers. "Sufi-claimers" are not interested in acquiring the knowledge of the Religion. They are ready to misinterpret the verses of the Qur’an and the hadiths of the Prophet to suit their own desires and to justify their bad inclinations and the enormous sins they commit.

The Sin of Hurting the Parents

Hurting one’s parents immensely (`uquq) is among the major sins. Allâh threatened the one who does it with severe torture in Hellfire. This means to harm either or both parents immensely (causing them a lot of pain). Hurting one’s parents is unlawful whether it is severe or light.

Ordering the Lawful and Forbidding the Unlawful

Allâh ta`âlâ said in the Qur'ân: which means: « You are the best of the nations to come forth to the people, ordering the lawful and forbidding the unlawful. » [Surat Al `Imran, Ayah 110]. Prophet Muḥammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam said: which means: « The one of you who sees an evil that is practiced, he must change it by his hand, if he is incapable, with his tongue and if he is incapable, he must hate that by his heart, and this being the minimum that faith requires. » [Related by Muslim]

Importance of acquiring Islamic Knowledge by Oral Transmission

The high status of knowledge has been clearly established in Islam through explicit texts in the Qur'an and the Hadith as well as in the writings of the scholars of Islam. Allâh said in Surat Al-Mujadalah, Ayah 11 which means: « Allâh raises the ranks of those among you who believe and those who were granted the knowledge. » Also, Allâh said in Surat Az-Zumar, Ayah 9 which means: « Those who know are not the same as those who do not know. » In the hadith related by Al-Bayhaqiyy, the Messenger of Allâh Muḥammad Sallâ lLâhou `alayhi wa sallam said which means: « Seeking the knowledge of the Religion is obligatory on every Muslim. »

Warning: Extremist Wahhabi sect fake salafi

The wahhabi sect that emerged some 250 years ago, do not follow the Salaf scholars as they claim. And the Salaf are the scholars within the first three hundred years after Prophet Muḥammad. Because wahhabis among the extreme blasphemous beliefs, is their claim that Allâh is a large body sitting on the throne, and that He moves from one side to the other. And they also attribute to Allâh the limbs and bodily parts, and that's all declared as blasphemous kufur according to the rules of all scholars of Islam from Salaf and Khalaf.

Hajj and `Umrah (Pilgrimage) Rules

Hajj is among the most important matters of Islam. Performing Hajj and `Umrah once in a lifetime is obligatory upon the Muslim who is free, accountable, and able. Performing them repeatedly after that time is considered sunnah. Hajj has a special merit that other acts of obedience do not have, in that it clears one of all sins, enormous and small.

Marriage and Divorce in Islam

One must be exceptionally cautious in verifying the conditions and integrals of the marriage contract for fear of what will result if any of these are not satisfied. It is also important to learn the rules of divorce. Many people divorce their wives, without knowing that they have done it. As a result of their ignorance, they continue to live with them in a forbidden manner.

Ashura Fasting the 10th day of Muḥarram 1445 2023

`Āchûrâ' is the 10th day of Muḥarram. Fasting the day of `Āchûrâ' has been unanimously agreed upon by scholars of Islam to be a sunnah deed.