speech. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website. Islam.ms.

Riya’ Insincerity the Sin of the Heart

The heart is the leader of the organs ; if the heart is devoted to piety then the rest of the organs will follow its lead, and consequently, the person will become pious ; likewise, if the heart is corrupted, the rest of the organs will follow in corruption, and consequently, the person will become a sinner. So fear Allâh and work for the Day of Judgement, the day which Allâh described in the Qur’ân as being: « The day where assets and offspring serve no benefit, only the one who has come with a sound heart will profit. »

Repentance. How to repent in Islam?

What is repentance (Tawbah)? Repentance is regretting, refraining and intending not to commit the sin after that. If the sin was leaving out an obligation one makes it up and if it involved neglecting a right to a human, one satisfies it or seeks the person’s pardon.

Warning: Extremist Wahhabi sect fake salafi

The wahhabi sect that emerged some 250 years ago, do not follow the Salaf scholars as they claim. And the Salaf are the scholars within the first three hundred years after Prophet Muḥammad. Because wahhabis among the extreme blasphemous beliefs, is their claim that Allâh is a large body sitting on the throne, and that He moves from one side to the other. And they also attribute to Allâh the limbs and bodily parts, and that's all declared as blasphemous kufur according to the rules of all scholars of Islam from Salaf and Khalaf.

Holy Journey of Hajj and `Umrah Pilgrimage

When the Hajj season commences, the truthful righteous believers feel in their hearts the blessings of this season. Every year tens of thousands of Muslims prepare themselves for this Holy journey to Makkah and Madinah, the city of the Best Prophet, Muḥammad Salla lLâhu `alayhi wa sallam.

Intellectual Proofs that the Quran is the revelation from God

The Qur'ân is not man-made. It pertains the orders of Allâh. The Qur'ân we read now, is in a language that we understand. But the speech of Allâh is neither a letter, language, or sound. But what we read in the holy books, are expressions of the eternal speech of Allâh. Because Allâh does not resemble the creations in any way.

Eid Al Aḍ-ḥā Eid al-kebir 2023 1444 H

The Aḍ-ḥā `Id is one of the great days of the year on which the pilgrim fulfils the obligations of Hajj. It is also recommended for the pilgrim to offer a sacrifice on that day, with the intention to gain rewards from Allâh, the Exalted. This act is a regularly practised sunnah by the Prophet. Hence, the pilgrim and the non-pilgrim can practise this sunnah. This is evidenced in the ayah: فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَانْحَرْ the meaning of which is: « Perform the `Id Prayer and offer a sacrifice seeking reward from Allâh. »

Learning Islamic Knowledge The Gateway To Success

Knowledge is the gateway to success, as known by many. However, some people understand this statement differently. The Islamic definition and concept of knowledge, and how it is a gateway to success in this world and in the Hereafter, is an ambiguous matter to many people. Allâh said in Surat Az-Zumar, Ayah 9 which means: « Those who know are not the same as those who do not know. »

Celebrating the Birth of the Prophet Muḥammad Mawlid Nabawiyy

There are two types of innovations mentioned in this Hadîth: the innovations of guidance and the innovations of misguidance. What complies with the Qur’ân, the Sunnah, the Ijma` (scholarly consensus), and the sayings and practices of the Companions is an innovation of guidance, and what contradicts the Qur’ân, the Sunnah, the Ijma`, and the sayings and actions of the Companions is an innovation of misguidance.

Blessed Migration of Prophet Muḥammad Hijrah from Mecca to Medina

The prophet Muḥammad emigrated from Mecca to Medina under the command of Allâh, and it is not by fleeing, fear, or cowardice.

Acts and Benefits during Ramadan

RamaDân, the month of the Qur'ân, the month of repentance, the month when we renounce worldly pleasures and hold ourselves in check, the month when the soul is at peace, the month of Qur'ân recitation, of nightly worship and many good deeds. So rush to fill your days and yourselves with obedience to Allâh for whoever does not fill his spare time with what he seeks to benefit himself, his free time will occupy him with what he does not seek.

Lying is forbidden in Islam

The Prophet Muḥammad, ṣallAllāhu `alayhi wa sallam, said: Which means: “Lying is not good, whether in seriousness or joking.” Related by al-Bayhaqiyy. and he said: which means: "Woe to him who talks to people and lies to make them laugh, woe to him, woe to him" related by imam 'Aḥmad in his Mousnad.