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Seeing Allâh in the Hereafter. Vision of Allâh by the Believers in Paradise

The most eminent of the graces which will be given to people of the paradise when they will be for the paradise, they will see Allah ta`âlâ. They will see Him and there is no something that people of the paradise will more like than seeing Allâh. They will see Him without how, without place and without direction.

True Sufism vs. Sufi-Claimers

"True Sufis" are people who realize the importance of the Obligatory Knowledge of the Religion and endeavor to acquire it through proper channels, i.e., through trustworthy and knowledgeable teachers. "Sufi-claimers" are not interested in acquiring the knowledge of the Religion. They are ready to misinterpret the verses of the Qur’an and the hadiths of the Prophet to suit their own desires and to justify their bad inclinations and the enormous sins they commit.

The Sin of Hurting the Parents

Hurting one’s parents immensely (`uquq) is among the major sins. Allâh threatened the one who does it with severe torture in Hellfire. This means to harm either or both parents immensely (causing them a lot of pain). Hurting one’s parents is unlawful whether it is severe or light.

Ashura Fasting the 10th day of Muḥarram 1445 2023

`Āchûrâ' is the 10th day of Muḥarram. Fasting the day of `Āchûrâ' has been unanimously agreed upon by scholars of Islam to be a sunnah deed.

Hadith: Seven persons are shaded by the shade of the `Arsh Throne

Abu Hurayra narrated that the Prophet said, « On the Day of Judgment Allâh will give the shade of the `Arsh (Throne), to seven, when there will be no shade but the shade of the `Arsh. These seven persons are; a just ruler, a youth who has been brought up in the worship of Allâh, a man whose heart is attached to the mosques, two persons who love each other only for Allâh's sake and they meet and depart in Allâh's cause only, a man who refuses the call of a charming woman of noble birth for unlawful intercourse with her and says: I am fearful of Allâh, a man who gives charitable gifts so secretly that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given, and a person who praises (remembers) Allâh in seclusion( privacy) and his eyes are then flooded with tears. »

Who is the Accountable Person in Islam (Mukallaf) who is obligated to embrace Islam and work according to its rules (sharî`ah) ?

In Islam, the accountable person (mukallaf) is the one who is pubescent, sane, and has received the message of Islam, which is: “No one is God except Allâh, and Muḥammad is the Messenger of Allâh.”

Celebrating the Birth of the Prophet Muḥammad Mawlid Nabawiyy

There are two types of innovations mentioned in this Hadîth: the innovations of guidance and the innovations of misguidance. What complies with the Qur’ân, the Sunnah, the Ijma` (scholarly consensus), and the sayings and practices of the Companions is an innovation of guidance, and what contradicts the Qur’ân, the Sunnah, the Ijma`, and the sayings and actions of the Companions is an innovation of misguidance.

The Two Testifications Shahadahs

Professing the Two Shahadahs: In regards to the blasphemer who wants to embrace Islam, the belief is not accepted without one uttering the Two Testifications (Shahadahs). In addition, the Muslim is obligated to recite the Two Testifications (Shahadahs) in every prayer for validity of that prayer. The Two Testifications are: I testify that no one is God except Allâh and I testify that Muḥammad is the Messenger of Allâh.

Merits and Benefits of Fasting on the Day of Arafah, best day of the year

the Prophet ṣalla l-Lâhu `alayhi wa sallam said which means: "The best of days is the day of `Arafah" and : `Arafah atones for the sins of the previous year and the following year.

Patience and Subjugating Oneself to Allâh

Patience is among the obligations of the heart. It is of three kinds: Patience in performing what Allâh made obligatory. Patience in avoiding what Allah made unlawful. Patience with hardships and calamities.

Lying is forbidden in Islam

The Prophet Muḥammad, ṣallAllāhu `alayhi wa sallam, said: Which means: “Lying is not good, whether in seriousness or joking.” Related by al-Bayhaqiyy. and he said: which means: "Woe to him who talks to people and lies to make them laugh, woe to him, woe to him" related by imam 'Aḥmad in his Mousnad.