Prophet Yusuf. Learn Islam for converts and beginners for free. Information about the Muslim religion. Sunni Muslim website.
Prophet Zakariya and Birth of Mariam Mary Jesus’s Mother
Maryam (Mary) mother of Jesus grew up near the Prophet Zechariah (Zakariyya) who gave him his religious education. Maryam, daughter of Imran (not Moses’ father) and Hannah (Anna, Ann) did not commit sins, she worshiped day and night. She thus reached the degree of holiness and she was the best woman of humanity.
Warning: Extremist Wahhabi sect fake salafi
The wahhabi sect that emerged some 250 years ago, do not follow the Salaf scholars as they claim. And the Salaf are the scholars within the first three hundred years after Prophet Muḥammad. Because wahhabis among the extreme blasphemous beliefs, is their claim that Allâh is a large body sitting on the throne, and that He moves from one side to the other. And they also attribute to Allâh the limbs and bodily parts, and that’s all declared as blasphemous kufur according to the rules of all scholars of Islam from Salaf and Khalaf.
Miracle of Isrâ’ and Mi`râj, Nocturnal Journey and Ascent of Prophet Muḥammad
Isrâ` and Mi`râj: this event is celebrated on the 27th of Rajab as per the Islamic calendar. It commemorates the miraculous night journey of Prophet Muḥammad Sallallâhu `alayhi wa sallam from the city of Makkah to Jerusalem and then through the seven skies to paradise and beyond.